Wednesday, July 4, 2007

29 June, side trip to Denali National Park

29 June

I decided to take some time out and service bikes and maybe do a run out to Denali National Park if time permitted. Doug dropped Ben and me off at the local Kawi dealer where Ben jumped though hoops to get a new chain. I decide I didn't need an oilchange as I am adding a litre every 2 days, but I bought a filter and a few parts. Over to Doug's shop where Jacqueline was getting her BMW serviced. Nice shop, wonderful people. I borrowed Doug's PC to update my wife and let her know not to sell my car just yet.

By the time Jaqueline's bike was done it was 3:00pm, but we decided to run out to Denali anyway. We had a good run out past Nenana, although I think I travel a bit slow for the others. Nice views of mountain scenery on the way. We rode about in the park itself as far as we could (permit controlled area), but it' still 75 miles from Mt McInley itself and the weather conspired to cloak the mount anyway. Dinner in the Salmon Bake by the park entrance, then a run home to beat the thunnderstorm which started before we left. Back in Fairbanks at 10:00pm.

Denali National Park, Mt McKinley is hidden in the clouds :(

Yes, places with these names do exist!

Time on the road, 7 hours, 462k, 68.9/56.9mpg imperial/us.

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