Sunday, July 8, 2007

8 July Whitehorse

8 July
. . . .
Up and about this morning, I take Bob and Louise out for breakfast and we spend some time touring some of the sights in Whitehorse.

Among some of the things we looked at, the dam and fish ladder at the top of town, too early for the King Salmon run unfortunately.

Miller Canyon, where the goldrush hopefuls navigated their boats and rafts

The dam has raised the water leve 20 ft fom the time of the gold rush, deep gorge!

The Beringia Centre and Transport Museum. Beringia is the bit of land that joined Russia and Alaska in the Ice Age.

Mastodon skeleton at the Beringia Centre

Also went by the sternwheeler SS Klondike

Klondike River at the top of Whitehorse looking North
...and from the same spot looking south

I found a bike shop that’s open Monday, so I’m going to try to get a tire. Successful or not, I plan to take a day run to Skagway, it’s 2 hours from Whitehorse.
Lay day for the bike today.

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